Ganga Devi Braun

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Ganga Devi Braun is a facilitator, ritualist, writer, ecologist, and community cultivator who weaves Ontological Design and Living Systems theory into all that she does. Florida is her home, and the rich ecology of this bioregion is her primary teacher, supported by the wisdom of Joanna Macy, Buckminster Fuller, and the Tibetan Buddhist lineages that she is a lifelong student of.

Ganga Devi’s upbringing within one of the few experimental land-based communities founded in the 70’s that has withstood the test of time has shaped her unique perspective on designing for community experience, infrastructure, & protocols that integrate the lessons of the past, anticipate the challenges of the future, and invite a healthy experience of communities in the present moment.

She is an Interspiritual Minister, and applies the formulas of religious and spiritual technology to experience design, creating dynamic spaces that celebrate pluralism, weave collective wisdom, support meaning-making, and nurture a sense of belonging, all while harmonizing with the living systems we are.


Ganga Devi Braun scaled

Focused on designing for a more connected world, she is currently developing the sociocultural architecture for multiple place-based and digital communities in her work with the Alchemy Center.